New Parent Orientation
Welcome! And thank you in advance for your interest in Scouting!
Below, we have outlined some steps to help you and your Scout get acclimated to scouting and begin on the Trail of Scouting. We don't expect you to become Scouting experts overnight - as none of us are. We have created this orientation and website module to help you along the way. If you have any questions, please to don't hesitate to contact your Den Leader or Cubmaster.
So, let's get started!
Steps to begin your Scouting Journey (we will expand below) ...
- Attend a Recruitment Night, or talk with a Registered Leader
- Complete and submit Scout Application along with Registration Fee (this changes, so the Cubmaster or Committee Chair will let you know what it is)
- Begin attending Pack/Den Events
- Consider registering as a leader.
- Complete and submit all forms in your Registration Packet:
- Review "What is Scouting" Booklet
- Review Pack 72 Handbook
- Check out our website
- Pack Calendar
- Dues
- Fundraising
- Individual Scout Account (ISA)
- Cub Bucks
- Handbook/Uniform
- Advancement
- Recognition
- What is expected of YOU, the Parent
- Begin working on Bobcat requirements
Well, if you've made it this far, you've most likely completed Steps 1 and 2, so we won't elaborate on those any farther.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a registered member of the BSA!
Step 3 Begin attending Pack/Den Events
Once you submit your application, along with the registration fee - you are a registered Scout. You are more than welcome to attend any Pack/Den/Council Event. Your Den Leader will be contacting you shortly and filling you in on what the Den is doing and when the next meeting is.
Step 4 (Re)Consider being a Leader (or getting involved)
I know you're thinking ... "I know nothing about Scouting, how could I possibly be a leader?" and "I don't have any time." Well, neither did anyone else when they began with Scouting - and we didn't have any time either (and still don't). What better way to be involved in a great program than to jump right in. Even if a leader is something you don't feel is for you, there are a lot of other ways to be involved. Committee Member, Event Chairperson, or helping hand - are all ways to help the Pack go! There are never enough people to accomplish everything, so please contact a Leader today and ask how you can help.
Step 5 Complete and submit all forms in Registration Packet
To complete the registration process, we need ALL forms completed and returned. Some are required by the BSA (Health and Medical Record), and some just help us to help you!
Repeat Step 4
Step 6 Review What is Scouting Booklet
This booklet contains a lot of information on the history of Scouting and the Cub Scout Program. It will help to give you a basic background on Scouting.
Repeat Step 4
Step 7 Review Pack 72 Handbook
I know, more reading ... The Handbook talks about our Pack specifically. How we work, and what is expected. It touches briefly on all the aspects of this training module. Please pay special attention to section about what's expected of the parents.
Repeat Step 4
Step 8 Check out our website
Well, you are already here - so might as well take a look around. I highly recommend checking out the pages below to give you a background on Scouting and our Pack.
Pack 72 | Our Dens | Activities
Repeat Step 4
Step 9 Pack Calendar
The Pack Calendar includes all Pack and Den activities. Make sure you keep checking back for new events.
If you are interested, you can link your smartphone to the Pack and your Den calendar so you can set up reminders and stay up to date with all activities. This does require special permission, so please contact the webmaster for access to that feature.
Repeat Step 4
Step 10 Dues
We don't like to ask for money, unfortunately, money helps the Pack go. Dues are payable by cash, check or credit card by December 1st of each year. Statements will be distributed in November reflecting your balance after Popcorn Sales. Please ensure that these are paid (or a payment plan is arranged), by December 1st, or your Scout will not be re-registered.
Dues for Pack 72 help to pay for recognition items, rank badges, belt loops, outings and activities. Without these funds, parents would be required to pay out of pocket for all these expenses. We don't want to see that ... and I'm pretty sure you don't either.
Repeat Step 4
Step 11 Fundraising
Just as much as we don't like asking for money, we don't like fundraisers either. Between sport teams, schools, and other activities - kids, parents, and customers get burned out with fundraisers ... BUT, fundraisers are a vital part of the program. Not only do they raise funds for the program, they teach the boys how to earn their own way and do their part to help the Pack go.
Our 2 fundraisers for the year are Popcorn and Pinewood Derby Sponsor Race. Click on the names for more information.
Repeat Step 4
Step 12 Individual Scout Accounts (ISA)
In your registration, you received an ISA form with a whole bunch of legaleese. To hit on the main points: ISA's are Pack funds earmarked for your Scout to use for scouting stuff. During certain fundraisers, Scouts have a chance to earn money for their ISA. These ISA funds can be used for ANY scouting related purchase. Just fill out the form, submit receipts, and we will reimburse you out of your ISA. The ISA balance is yours to use for the life of your Scouting career. If you decide that Scouting is not for you, the money in your ISA goes back into the general fund. If you choose to transfer to a Boy Scout Troop, those funds will transfer with you upon request.
** We do not allow parents to deposit funds into their Scouts ISA. ISA funds can only be earned through dedicated fundraisers. The Pack Committee decides on which fundraisers qualify for ISA earnings.
Repeat Step 4
Step 13 Cub Bucks
Cub Bucks is a new incentive program geared to increase participation and encourage Scouts to wear their uniforms properly, along with going out of their way to uphold the values of Scouting. In addition, they teach the Scout responsibility of saving his money.
For every Pack/Den event your Scout is in attendance, he will earn 1 Cub Buck. On occasion, the Cubmaster or Den Leader may hold a uniform inspection. Those Scouts wearing their uniform according to the standards, will receive 1 Cub Buck. Cub Bucks can also be awarded to Scouts going above and beyond to help others, or any other reason deemed fit (up to Leader's discretion).
At Crossover in May, we will hold a Pack 72 Scout Shop. The Scouts will bring all their Cub Bucks earned throughout the year, and can purchase items at the shop.
** Cub Bucks are considered "legal Pack 72 tender". Cub Bucks can not be replaced. If you loose them, they are gone forever. Scouts should NOT participate in trading/taking other scouts Cub Bucks. If these activities are discovered, Scouts risk disqualifying themselves from shopping - worst case, termination of the Cub Buck Program
Repeat Step 4
Step 14 Handbook / Uniform
There are Handbooks required for each Rank, and will need to be purchased each year. These handbooks can be purchased through the Pack, or found at local Scout Shops, used book stores, or
Uniforms come in several shapes and sizes. Uniform items can be purchased through the Pack, or found at local Scout Shops, retired Scouts, some re-sale shops, Ebay, or
Class "A" Uniforms are the ones you see all the scouts and leaders wearing. These are used for all Pack/Den Meetings, Ceremonies, and other activities. Pack 72 considers the Class "A" uniform to be just the shirt, neckerchief, and slide. All other items are optional. Just a few suggestions: buy short sleeve, and buy big (to last a few years). Neckerchief and slides will need to be purchased every year for each rank. Check out the Uniform Page for more on the Class "A"
Class "B" Uniforms are optional Pack 72 T-shirts. These can only ordered through the Pack at certain times of the year. Class "B" uniforms give the Pack an optional uniform when we are doing service projects or other activities which may ruin a Class "A" uniform.
The Pack Committee or Den Leader determines which uniforms are to be worn to each activity. When in doubt, wear Class "A".
Repeat Step 4
Step 15 Advancement
There is way to much to cover in the Advancement section to do it all here. In brief, each rank has achievements that the Scouts must complete in order to receive their Rank Badge. When an achievement is completed, the Akela signs off on it. The Scout then shows the completed achievement and supporting work to his Den Leader. At this time, the Den Leader will sign off and order the appropriate recognition item. Please keep in mind, that we don't expect the Scouts to be experts at the completion of the achievement. BUT we do expect them to have a basic understanding of the important principles. The Den Leader may discuss the achievement with the Scout to ensure the achievement was completed to satisfactory levels.
Achievements do not need to be completed as part of a Scouting activity. They can be completed on a family level at some point during the current scouting year (from Crossover to Crossover). Scouts will not be recognized for any achievement completed outside this time frame, or for a previous Rank.
We strive for all Scouts to complete the required achievements by the Blue and Gold Banquet. At this time, they will be rewarded their Rank Badge. For the remainder of the year, they will work on Electives and Belt Loops. The Scouts official "Crossover" into the next rank at our Crossover Ceremony in May.
All new Scouts are required to earn their Bobcat Badge before being recognized for any other achievements or awards. Our hope is to have all new Scouts earn their Bobcat Badge by November's pack meeting.
Repeat Step 4
Step 16 Recognition
Cub Scouts is huge on recognition. For every achievement the Scouts complete, they will receive a recognition item - could be a pin, belt loop, bead, disc, or patch. Again, the recognition program is to big to discuss in detail at this point.
Recognition items will be awarded at each Pack meeting for the previous period, with the exception of the Tiger/Wolf beads. These will be awarded at the completion of the achievement, and recognized at the Pack meeting.
There are certain ways to display your achievements ... Some can be worn on totems, Class "A" uniforms (in certain spots), hats, and belts. Please refer to the uniform section or ask your Den Leader on how to appropriately display your recognition items.
Repeat Step 4
Step 17 What is expected of YOU, the Parent
Parents play an important role in the Pack. In addition to volunteering and lending a helping hand, parents also have their responsibilities to their Scout. We ask that when parents register their son for Scouting, they make a commitment. A commitment to their Scout, to help him get the most out of his Cub Scout
years by ...
- Seeing that your Scout has the proper uniform and handbook
- Being on time and prepared for the meetings and events
- Assisting your Scout in attending Den and Pack meetings
- Working with your Scout to complete achievements for his rank award
- Returning information, forms, and permission slips as asked
- Supporting the Den Leader as a resource person
- Providing input to Den Leader and Pack Leadership with regard to programming
- Communicating with Den Leader and Pack Leadership regarding missing activities, events, problems, etc.
Step 18 Begin working on Bobcat Requirements
Your Den Leader will help you get started with this. If you are a Tiger, you will work on this as a Den. If you are any other rank - most of it will be on your own. As you are working towards Bobcat Rank, you can work on other achievements at the same time - you just won't receive recognition items for these until Bobcat Rank Badge has been awarded.
Repeat Step 4
Step 19 RELAX!
CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on Scouting and Pack 72! The more you educate yourself on the Scouting program, the more rewarding for you and your Scout!
Keep in mind, we are all in this together. None of us are experts - we've just been doing it longer. Use your resources (Den Leader, Cubmaster, Leaders, other Scouters, internet) to your advantage. What one of us doesn't know, the other does.
We are all in the same boat - heading towards the same goal - to help our boys be better people.
Here's to you and your Scout having life long experiences in the Scouting program.
Repeat Step 4