1.0 General Rules
1.1 QUALIFICATION: All registered Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts that have paid their dues in full may design, build, and enter cars that are eligible to participate in the Cub Scout PWD Event.
1.2 COMPETITOR CATEGORIES: All Scouts will have their vehicles eligible for speed competition and design competition.
- Speed: Trophies will be given to place finishers 1st thru 4th and automatically qualify for the LEC Semi-Final competition (Pack paid). The remaining top 3 racers from each rank will qualify for the LEC Semi-Finals (own expense).
- Design: Trophies will be awarded for Best Paint Job, Most Original, Most Unlike A Car, and Best Overall Design.
- Best Sportsmanship: The Scout that demonstrates the best sportsmanship throughout the entire event will receive a trophy.
**In the event that a place finisher is not able to attend the LEC Semi-Final Event, we will select the next place finisher.
1.3 ATTENDANCE: The Cub Scout MUST enter his own car. This means that the Cub Scout must be present at “Inspection and Registration” to enter his car into competition. The Cub Scout that is entering the competition must remain present for the entire competition in the event that servicing of the car is needed. It is encouraged that all scouts entered in the event stay to support their fellow Pack members.
1.4 SINGLE ENTRY PER PERSON: Only one car may be registered by any person in the Pinewood Derby. The Cub Scout will be registered for RACE and all DESIGN competitions.
1.5 INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION: Only those Cub Scouts registered to Pack 72 shall be accepted for competition. Each car must pass a technical inspection before it may compete. Technical inspection and registration of cars occurs immediately prior to race time. NO CAR SHALL BE MODIFIED OR WORKED ON AFTER IT IS REGISTERED.
1.6 FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION: The Inspection Committee shall disqualify cars which do not meet the rules as described herein. If a car does not pass inspection, the owner will be informed of the reason his car did not pass. Cars which fail the initial inspection may be modified at the pit table or taken home for modifications and brought back no later than the Inspection Deadline. NO CARS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE INSPECTION DEADLINE.
1.7 IMPOUND: No car may be altered in any way after it has been registered. After a car passes registration, it will be stored by the Pinewood Derby Race Committee until after the racing is completed. If a vehicle becomes damaged during competition, the owner is given up to 5 minutes to make an emergency repair in the presence of the Committee or disqualification will take place. At the Track Master’s discretion, additional time may be allotted for repairs for certain instances.
1.8 CAR DESIGN RULES INTERPRETATION: Interpretation of the rules described in 1.1 thru 1.7 and 2.1 thru 6.2 are the sole discretion of the Inspection Committee Judges and Pinewood Derby Chair present during the registration and inspection process.
Interpretation of these rules and decisions of the judges and Pinewood Derby Chair are final.
Any Scout, or family member, found not in accordance with the Official Rules and Policies of the Pack 72 Pinewood Derby, may have their care (or scouts car) disqualified from racing at the discretion of the Pinewood Derby Committee Chair