New Leader Training

Welcome! And thank you in advance for taking the plunge!

Below, we have outlined some of the steps involved in becoming a Leader. You can begin working through the process, checking off the items as you go. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Cubmaster or Committee Chair.

Steps to Leadership (in a nutshell)

  1. Talk to a current leader (Cubmaster or Committee Chair) about your willingness to help

  2. Discuss which role would best fit your talents and comfort level

  3. Recruit an Assistant

  4. Complete BSA Adult Application

  5. Complete Council Specific Training

  6. Finalize the registration process

  7. Complete Pack Specific Training (if applicable)

  8. Review "So you're a new Den Leader!" and other resources (if applicable)

  9. Start Planning!

  10. You're Done!

Well, if your still here, then hopefully you've already completed steps 1 and 2. Now let's get you registered ...

Step 3 Assistant (can be completed at a later date)

Find someone to help you out. What better way to reduce the time commitment, then to find someone to share the load!

Step 4 Application

The Cubmaster or Committee Chair should have given you an Adult Application - if not, click here for the online version (please print 3 copies). Please complete the application in full. Note: by completing the application, you are agreeing to a background check.

Hold on to the application for now.

Step 5 Council Training

There is some online training that needs to be completed and turned in with your application. There are 3 courses (20-30 min ea.)

1. Go to

2. Create an account and enter your information.

3, Log in to your account and go to "E-Learning" page.

4. Complete the following 3 training modules and print certificates

- Youth Protection

- This is Scouting

- Leader Specific (for the role you will be performing)

Please note: Once you have received your Official BSA Membership ID #, you will need to log into your myscouting account and link your ID # and Council to your account. This ensures that all your training is recorded properly with the Council.

Step 6 Finalize the registration process

Please turn in your completed application and 3 training certificates to the Cubmaster or Committee Chair. We will finalize your application and give you a "temporary" membership card.

Congratulations! You are now an Official Registered Adult Leader of the BSA!

Step 7 Review "So you're a New Den Leader" & Resources Page

Check on the "So you're a New Den Leader" pamphlet. It will help in starting the planning process for your first meeting. The Resources page also has links to other sites that can be of great help.

Click here for "So you're a New Leader" Page

Step 8 Start Planning!

Create a schedule of your Den Meetings (twice a month) and start planning your activities. When planning activities, please refer to the Guide to Safe Scouting (GSS) to ensure that the activity is permitted.

Make sure to keep your webpage and calendar up to date!

Step 9 You're Done!

Well, not really - this is just the beginning. At least you are headed in the right direction!

Feel free to continue with the training modules on or keep an eye out for any of the Supplemental Trainings that are offered. The Pack will

re-imburse you for any training that you take, with the exception of Woodbadge (prior approval is needed).