May 16th, 2020
2:00pm Roaming Shores Club House
Crossover is a ceremony celebrating the transition from one rank to the next. During this ceremony, each Scout will be recognized for his achievements through the year, and "crossover" the bridge to the next rank with their Akela, officially marking the start of the next phase of his Scouting journey. The Webelos II Scouts that choose to move on to Boy Scouts, will be received by the Troop that these have chosen.
All Scouts are encouraged to participate, regardless if they achieved their current rank, or if they are choosing not to venture in to Boy Scouts.
Each Scout family is encouraged to invite family, relatives, and friends to witness this milestone in their Scouting lives.
Parents are required to bring the neckerchief, slide, and hat (optional) of the rank your Scout is moving in to.
Weather depending, we will be on the beach. Please bring chairs.